Quality and attention to detail is at the core of everything we do

While our business portfolio covers a range of diverse business interests, they all have one thing in common - an attention to detail and a serious commitment to the delivery of quality service.

We’ve taken great pains to design and implement a set of rigorous quality control processes which are adhered to from answering the telephone, to project managing an aerobic digestion project.

Our clients come to us time after time because they know they will get a consistently high level of service, advice and delivery time after time.


In 2008 we threw down the gauntlet to new housing builders everywhere by creating a development of high specification new homes at affordable prices.  The result has been a triumph - with the first two phases completely selling out during one of the most difficult trading periods for new homes on record.  We proved that taking the quality up several notches, we could sell when other property firms were struggling.

For more on Highgrove click here


GrowAlotMore is a community allotment project in the Harraby Green area of Carlisle.  Chris Harrison has created a unique place where first time ‘allotmenteers’ together with experience gardeners, can come together to grow their own fruits and vegetables. The pretty plots are reminiscent of an Edwardian kitchen garden. This is a relatively new initiative, and in time we plan to build covered communal potting areas, and possibly a community run cafe.

For more on GrowAlotMore click here